🛸 Salty's Collages 🛸

I love making collages; they've always been my favorite way to express an idea. I have not scanned most of the collages I've made and, unfortunately, the majority of the ones that I made between 2015-2020 were in a portfolio that was lost in the mail and never found. The ones I do have left from that era, as well as my newer works, are listed below. Please note that these are only preview-sized images below in order to save on bandwidth consumption. If you want to see the full-sized version, you may click the title of any gallery item and it will open the HQ image in a new browser tab.

Jan.2023 /// Labor = Profit
All of the statistics about wealth inequality within the artwork were sourced from the Institute for Policy Studies, the United States Census, Forbes, and the Pew Research Center.

Jan.2024 /// GOLD STAR (Album Cover)
This is a collage that I made by scanning a bunch of ~1960s ephemera lying around my house onto my computer and stitching it together using Photoshop, then I slapped an old picture of me on top of it all.

Jun.2022 /// Woman of the Year
I made this collage by making photocopies of some images from a 1960s Playboy magazine and this really cool, old "Woman of the Year" button the wife and I found at a thrift store. I also used a few stamps and miscellaneous scraps of paper from a random craft pile. Aren't women so amazing?

Aug.2021 /// Who Ever Heard of the Great Beast?
This is a digital collage I made to accompany a deep house song I made a couple years ago. I mainly used assets sourced from my favorite online archive, OneLetterWords. Craig uploads the most interesting materials and categorizes them in such a pleasing way!

SEP.2021 /// The Cowboy Corral
I made this collage using a shitty black & white copier and some masking tape at one of my old jobs. I made a bunch of copies and gave them to all of my friends. It's simple but one of my favorites; the Sims plumbob is the best part.

Aug.2021 /// Women Want Me, Fish Fear Me
This is a quick 10 minute collage I threw together at a local art museum's creative space. They had a bunch of prints of various artworks in the museum that you could cut up and glue onto a notecard. The woman with the fish has always been one of my favorite paintings at this particular museum, so I was really excited that it was one of the options.

Aug.2021 /// Sign Up Now!
I made this (extremely uplifting) collage during a workshop that my girlfriend and I attended. The artist who ran the workshop, Tay Butler, is an incredibly talented artist. I would highly recommend checking out his works, especially his video collages.

Jun.2021 /// Sheer Delight!
This is my favorite collage that I've ever made. It's pretty big (3 letter-sized pages taped together) and is an "interpret it how you would like" statement on the church and lesbianism. I cut all the images out of old magazines from the '50s and '60s; the only criteria for making it was that everything had to be black-and-white.

Dec.2019 /// Untitled
I found this in a notepad from a boring desk job I had long ago. I don't like to go too insane with every collage that I make, so I like that this one is cartoony and more "fun" than some of my other ones.

Jan.2019 /// Fools' Gold
This was a fun one. I used my Xbox game manual for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and a Seventeen magazine for the pictures. Also fuck Steve Jobs! :)

Sep.2018 /// The Breakup
I made this collage after I broke up with my first (and only) boyfriend. I thought I was pretty sly using the ripped up Mac Demarco j-card for this one. I, of course, angrily ripped it up for some reason during the course of our relationship. Thank god I'm a lesbian!

Jun.2018 /// Lounging Lady
I've always loved mid-century design AND women, so this is a perfect early culmination of those interests. Cool colors too! I'm pretty sure I ripped these from a Reader's Digest magazine.

Jun.2015 /// Where to?
I think this is the first collage that I ever finished; before I was a teenager, I mostly just played the guitar and did pencil-based drawings. I made this as a present for my mom's birthday because she loves Wes Anderson and whimsical shit in general. I think she still has the physical copy stashed away somewhere.