A little about me: Hawé, I'm Salty. I'm a small town lesbian born and raised in the beautiful Midwestern United States. I am of the Okáxpa and live in my ancestral homeland, for which I am so grateful. My greatest loves in life are my smokin' hot wife, our three cats, the magnificent Ozark Mountains, and the Internet. I am a lifelong computer whiz, both personally and professionally. My main hobbies are tinkering with software, creating art in many forms, and spending time in the great outdoors. I am an avid collector of "old" electronics and physical media like CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, and cassettes. Finally, I am a self-proclaimed digital hoarder, and I self-host/maintain numerous archives on my personal servers.
Thank you for taking the time to read and dig this far. I love making websites and fostering communal spaces online. I think everyone who is able should make one, even if just to have a little bit of fun. I'm not really a manifesto kinda guy, so I'll leave you with a little bit of my own vague wisdom:
Organizing and creating community with others is far more valuable than any object in our digital and physical realms. The Internet is not meant to be so isolating and neither is the real world. It truly takes a village to make change and create a world that works for everybody. 🕯️🧙♀️🕯️
🧼 Current Hyperfixations /// Sanford Clark's fuzzed-out 1967 masterpiece "They Call Me Country," playing the colony sim + dungeon crawler + base builder "Mind Over Magic" on PC, and rewatching the always excellent "Legend of Korra" on DVD with my wife. I have a slew of other interests that won't fit snugly in a couple paragraphs, so if you want to know more then click the buttons below: