🏚️ Welcome all to my virtual lair!
My name is Salty (F/27/USA) and I use she/her pronouns.
I started coding in HTML/CSS in late 2022 after a one-off Google
search: "What happened to Geocities?" It sent me on a journey
to discover Neocities and other
communities bent on reviving concepts I had long forgotten: web rings,
link farms, BBS-style online forums, and personalized profiles. It was
all so exciting; I had no idea that these things survived the Great
Recession, let alone the technocrat social media apocalypse!
In the years since asking that question, I've spent
hundreds of hours constructing the version of Salty's Lair placed
before you. I created it, first and foremost, for my own satisfaction;
I encourage you to do the same. However, the site holds many treasures
that you may want to take home with you. Use the
navigation bar above to travel around; any words you see in
blue are links to other pages. I hope you like what you find.
If you want to know more about or how to contact me, head over to the
ABOUT page. Send me an email if you
uncover any issues with the site, have a suggestion, or just want to
chat! I have a list of all the tools I use to create Salty's Lair on
the SITE CREDITS page. There are secret
things hidden here and there, so please allow your cursor to wander...
✍️ Happy scrolling and don't forget to sign the
new guestbook!
- Salty P. Slug